Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Graffiti and found objects

Graffiti                                                                    Found objects

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Car Raid Planning

1. I will do the car raid with my neighbor,  Krista.
2. I will do it sometime in the future.
3. How long have you had this car, and why did you pick this car?
    How many road trips have been taken in this car?
    In your opinion, war is the best manufacturer of cars, and why?
    What do you depend on your car to do for you?
    Could you go without having a car for a week?
4. I should write down what condition their car is in and how well they take car of their car to help the story line, and also just stuff i notice that's interesting about their car.

Merger Photo

Friday, May 6, 2016

Opinion/Commentary Essay Presidential Election

The Presidential Candidates for the Republican party are, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich are the top three in the runnings right now for this party.

On the other hand the Presidential Candidates for the Democratic Party are Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the two top runners for this party right now.

In my opinion I like the Candidates from the Republican party more then the ones in the democratic party because of their political views and because of their back ground.

For example, Hilary Clinton role in the U.S. Military intervention in Libya was never really confirmed or denied which males her sorta of a corner cutter in the eyes of some Americans. 

The U.S. Military intervention in Libya happened in 2011which was a all cease fire in Libya including all the current attacks against all the citizens of Libya. This also created a ban of fighting in Libya's air space.

A lot of States were involved in making the no-fly zone space but the main States involved were the United States, United Kingdom, Lebanon, and France. These states worked together to make a no-fly zone over part of Libya and have control over that zone now.

Hilary was involved in this because President Barack Obama sent her to negotiate with Mahmoud Jibril about the military situation in Libya.

Obama sent Hilary to negotiate even against his seniors recommendations to stay out of it, but he still sent Mrs. Clinton over there to talk with Mr. Jibril. 

But also a runner for the Republican Party, Donald trump isn't liked by some of the public because he wants to build a wall along the border of Mexico.

"You have people coming in, not just Mexicans, I'm talking about people from all over that are idlers and rapists and they're coming into this country," Says Trump.

I don't think that we should build a wall on the border of Mexico because i believe that the people that are coming in and mudding people and raping, are not all of the rapist and murders. 52% of rapist are white which prove that building a wall wouldn't stop raping from happening.

I honestly don't really think that there is any people worth being President running in the 2016 election but since Obama has already had 2 terms we need another President to take his place.

Merger Preview Preview

1. other the subject moving or maybe having something change in the photo, or the camera moving.
2. Against on the academic hall's walls or the front of the school.
3. Maybe have someone "run" through the lens of the camera, or maybe spell out a word.
4. bright colors or tight fitting clothes so they can't move in the wind and blur the photo.

HDR Photos


1. My favorite photo is the one of the horses in the field with the mountains.
2. I think that some of thee photos weren't taken with an iPhone but if they were, that they were heavily photoshopped.
3. The photo becomes more clear and professional looking.
4. - gets pictures from different angles
    - get more in the farm then you want and you can crop the picture later

Monday, May 2, 2016

HDR photography intro

1. You need to change the Shutter speed/ Aperture to get different lightings.
2. A camera, a tripod, and HDR software, and a couple different lighted photos of the same subject.
3. Because the photographer doesn't like the color of the original photo.
4. We should expect there to be a little bit of haze around the photos and a big contrast between the light and dark parts of the photos.

Final Exam Preview Warm-up

1. I will shoot this assignment this weekend or sometime this week when we have practice.
2. I will shoot at my race this weekend at a ranch called Warda and down by ATX bikes where my team practices.
3. I'll be telling a story about bike racing and how it has shaped me and my character.
4. I will need a camera, my Go Pro and my subjects.
5. I will be having a video through the whole thing and having the still images and words show up in front of the video and I will also be narrating almost through the whole thing to explain my story.