Thursday, April 28, 2016

Final Exam Preview

1. I learned about a lot of things when i looked and watched the videos. I learned how to import videos, import videos to iMovie, and also lean red how to use iMovies to do certain things.
2. I already knew that iMovies made short videos and that you could do a lot of cool layering things with iMovies.
3. I learned by watching the video that you ca import pictures into iMovie during a video.
4. I'm concerned that I won't understand the project fully, and leave out some parts of it. Or that I will not get enough good footage and video to complete the iMovie.
5. I am confident that I can get all the pictures done in time.
6. I will do a mountain biking race and get footage from the beginning of the day to the end and get footage of people finishing their races and stuff like that.


Friday, April 22, 2016

SNO online papers

Story 1)
1. Emma Bean, Guest writer
2. This story is about a guy that obsessed with elephants and why he was.
3. She likes him and envies him. "You could say that in a certain manner he was like one of the magnificent beasts he was so fond of."
4. No she didn't address what other people thought of him.
5. She didn't really give a direct opinion on him either she just shared all of her memories about him and told the reader how he was as a person.
6. No, She did not give any quotes from anyone.
7. 1st person, because she addressed herself as I.

Story 2)
1. Victoria Bui, Staffer
2. The story is about driving and being distracted by your phone or anything else.
3. They believe that the issue is out of hand, "The distracted driving is getting out of hand and needs to be fixed before too many people get hurt or killed."
4. Yes, "Most people always think that they can 'multi-task', but they can't."
5. No she was very direct about her opinion on the topic by saying that is is wrong to be distracted while driving and trying to get awareness for it and get people to stop.
6. No she don't have any quotes in the story.
7. 3rd person because she refers to everyone as they, her or people.

Story 3)
1. Susie Sutherland, Staff Writer
2. The story is about how phones aren't getting taken from students in class as much today as they did a couple years ago or even in middle school now compared to high school.
3. She does express her opinion, "Having cellphones freely out and about in high school was a new thing, and it was easy to be accustomed to."
4. Yes she talks about how the teachers have gotten more timid towards telling students what to do and are almost starting to lose their power over the students.
5. She was sort of playing both sides with her opinion because she likes being able to use her phone whenever she wants to but she also thinks that its a big distraction to the students and distracts them from learning.
6. No there are no quotes in the article.
7. 1st person because she refers to herself as I and we.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Personal Essays

1.  "Be sure your essay is about something that you care strongly enough about to wax eloquent and passionate about." which means that I should choose to write about something that I care about and can talk confidently and passionately about.
2. "details draw the reader in, generalization keep them out." Which means that I should be specific about my topic and use very detailed specific examples.
3. - Avoid ranting in your paper. keep on track.
    - you have the freedom to write how you feel on certain topics but the reader should know how you feel and why.
    - Have a strong hook at the beginning of your essay to grab the readers attention.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Story 1)
1. N/A Editorial
2. Apple Refuses to violate privacy of users but FBI will
3. "Once the program is created, this opens the way for anyone to pry into people's lives through their phones" says the editor of this story in Lone star Dispatch, " Either way is bad for the consumers."
4. Yes, they said that the FBI does have a valid reason to want to have access to the iPhone but that it is not worth putting everyone else at risk to find what is on one person's phone.
5. The editor sometimes questioned their opinion but never changed their opinion.
6. No, no quotes are involved in the story.
7. 3rd person because the author is referring to the people in the story as them, her, or him.

Story 2)
1. Granger Coats, Photo Editor
2. How drug dog investigations at school are making people feel.
3. "... I support the strengthening of effective security," states Coats.
4. yes, he talked about how it is needed for the school but that the students should have a little more privacy.
5. The author didn't really express his opinion till the end of the article.
6. no, no quotes are in the article.
7. first person, because he uses the word I sometimes while talking about his opinion.

Story 3)
1. Alicia Molina, Assistant director
2. People saying the " Damn Daniel" thing.
3. They thought " it was funny at first, but then it started getting annoying," Said Molina.
4. yes, she started talking about the bright side of what was going on, and the things that the people got to do, like go on the ellen Degeneres show.
5. No, she stated her opinion very clearly, she said, " I thought that the video was funny but after awhile it stared getting annoying," States Molina.
6. Yes, there were many quotes in the article.
7. 1st person because she described herself as I.

Story 4)
1. Fuaad Ajaz, News editor
2. Beyonce's music video, and her trying to get police to understand that black lives matter.
3. they didn't have a direct opinion.
4. no, they didn't really talk from the side of the police who are getting accused of not caring for black people's lives.
5. they weren't back and forth, it was just not a clear opinion. They said, "Sadi this is true in today's world. If someone is white and rich they are known worldwide but if someone is blackened rich, not many people know who they are."
6. Yes there was a lot of quotes.
7. #rd person because he refers to the people as him, her, and they.

Story 5)
1. Mia Barbosa, Online Editor
2. If the AP world history test is even worth taking.
3. Yes, they said that it is a competitive race for college
4. They had opinions from both sides.
5. No, she said their direct opinion. They said, "I think the test is a great way for students to get ahead the competitive race for college.
6. There isn't any quotes.
7. 1st person, because she refers to herself as I.

A. I believe that the real differences are that the hard news stories have no opinions in it, involve a lot of different people and quotes, and Follow a strict format.

B. I think that there isn't a lot of photos on this page because the stories have an opinion about them so the photos would be prejudice to the opinion of the author.

C. Are iPhones really better? Best vacation spots? Presidential election thoughts?

Peer Review SoM

1) Clarissa
Paragraphs- 25 points
5 Quotes- 10 points
Inverted Pyramid- 5 points
Extra Credit?- 0 points
TOTAL = 40 points

2) Alyssa
Paragraphs- 50 points
5 quotes- 25 points
Inverted Pyramids- 20 points
Extra Credit?- 0 points
TOTAL = 95 points

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

News Values

1.This article shows timelines because it is fairly new. Also these factors show up on the first on the articles, so this means that it is the newest info on the page.
2. Iceland's Prime minister Steps down Amid Panama Papers Scandal

1. This article shows proximity because this occurred in America close to this area of publication.
2. As Graft Cases in Child multiply, a 'Gag Law' Angers Journalist

1. This article shows prominence cause the Pope is a very important person to everyone, mainly Catholics
2. Pope Francis, Urging less judgement, Signals path for divorced on communion.

1. This article shows Impact because ISISis terrorizing people, and have been abducting people for some reason, and the public had something to do with it but we aren't sure.
2. ISIS abducts workers from cement factory in Syria.

Human Interest:
1. This article shows Human Interest because there was someone murdered at UT and this effects many people in Austin, for example, the girl that was murdered friends and family, other students may be afraid that this will happen, and just the people of Austin because the murderer is still out there.
2. Homeless Teen Named Sole Suspect In UT-Austin Student Death

1. This article shows Conflict because Boko Haram is turning female captives into terrorists and this affects those women's reputation and their family and friends in many different ways.
2. Boko Haram Turns Female Captives into Terrorists

1. This article shows Novelty because this is very unusual thing because ghost are mostly believed to not be real, so it draws a lot of peoples attention to the subject and article.
2. In Cambodia, the Ghosts Prefer Dollars.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Nut Graf

        A Nut Graf is a journalism term that was created from the expression, "in a nutshell" meaning all at once or in one paragraph. This expression was created in the 19th century and has been used since then. In the news style writing and the essential facts of the story are included in the lead of the story.
The Nut Graf is included inside the lead of the story.

      When writing in the feature style the story will start off more indirect and explain something related to the topic. In this type of writing the Nut Graf is most of the time started in the third or fourth paragraph. Also in this type of writing the Nut Graf doesn't include all of the information and will slowly explain the rest of the information through out the story to keep the reader interested through out the whole story.