Thursday, November 12, 2015

Love and Loss

1) I felt happy for there love and then as I went farther through the pictures  I started getting upset for them not being able to be healthy and together anymore and then I was really angry that this happened to them and it made me start wonder why this kind of stuff happens to such amazing loving people.
2) I think what he means by that comment is that these pictures show us what we look like and what other people see us as but these pictures do not show what is going on inside us and how we feel.
3) I think I could shoot some of the photos in this album but some of these were really hard for me to look at and I wouldn't be able to pick up the camera and even attempt to take pictures in a time like that.
4) I would say,  " I truly am sorry for your loss and what you had to go through with your wife and I wish that this kind of stuff didn't happen to such kind people and I don't have any idea the type of pain that you went through but I am glad that you could capture it in these photos ands express your love for your wife, and all the pain that went through your relationship and you still pushed out strong and got through it."

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