Friday, January 22, 2016

Prompt Shoot Peer Review


1) I like the footprints picture the best.
2) I didn't like the connected photo that much because the people's legs are in the picture and the shadow isn't really seen that well.
3) I really like the lighting in her pose picture. I also like how her pose picture isn't blurry.
4) She could improve in her angles and using the rules of photography more.
5) I think that she captured pause pretty good because the girl in the picture is "paused" in mid air.
6) I think that she did connected not as good because she should have focused in on their hands to show connected.


1) I like the pose picture the best.
2) I didn't like the footprints picture as much as her others because the feet went very centered and they're sort of just random looking.
3)I really like how in the pose picture that the editor made the picture black and white and made the people in the picture not have a reaction.
4)She could improve her angles and most of her pictures were taken inside a building but i don't know if she could have taken very many pictures outside.
5) I think she captured pause very good because it actually looks like i pressed the pause button on the screen.
6) I think she could have done better on connected by getting a better angle on the picture and maybe have gotten a little closer to the couple

Magazine Cover #1
1) Tied Up, Claire C
2) I like how the title of the magazine matches the color of the subjects jacket. I also like how the Snowflakes in the picture are a little blurry but not whee you cant tell what they are.
3) You should put more colors in on the picture and make your teasers a little more interesting.
4) What attracted me to the magazine cover is that the woman in the picture is hanging up snowflakes.
5) Yes there is a bar code, but its a little big.
6) No I wouldn't pick it up because the title isn't big enough and the picture isn't very colorful.
7) It was a portrait because of the angle of the picture and the subject is in the action of doing something.

Magazine Cover #2
1)Young Dreams, Katrina K
2) I like how The subject is staining right in front of the sun so you can see the rays of sunshine shining behind his body.
3) Make the title a little bigger and make the teasers more exciting.
4) What attracted me to the magazine cover is actually how the sun is shining behind the little boy.
5) Yes there is a bar code, and it id in the appropriate place.
6) Yes I would pick this magazine up but I still think that the title should bigger.
7) It was a portrait and I can tell because the photo was taken in action.

Magazine Cover #3
1) Roaring Review, Wesley
2) I like the color scheme of the cover. I also like the angle of the light.
3) I think that the title should be bigger.
4) What attracted me was the bright yellow title.
5) Yes, but it's sideways.
6) Yes because of the bright yellow title.
7) It was a portrait.

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