Monday, January 25, 2016

Welcome Back

1) Love Yourself by Justin Bieber
I choose this song as my favorite song because this song is very true and i like how someone is addressing the problem of what people are starting to love the most. I also like this song because it is sorta Justin Bieber's redo button on this whole album. He's trying to start over and do it right sorta.

2) Wood Lawn
I can say with so much confidence that this is my favorite movie for the concept  of the movie and how it ended. This movie was so moving and really spoke to me. It also helped me strengthen my faith with God. I personally don't like football but this movie wasn't about football 
3) Charleston Church shooting
This is the most important news story of this year to me because it effected me in a very deep way. This shooting made me not feel safe in my church and that's a very scary feeling to have.

4) Barack Obama
I think that Barack Obama is the most important person in 2015 because he has caused a lot of changes in America, for the better or the worse. But he has had a lot of say in the changes that have happened in America over the last 8 years.
Molly Mccage is the most important athlete of 2015 to me because she has inspired me to play volleyball to my best ability and she also inspired me to be a multi sport athlete.

1. I will remember playing pice face at 3:00 in the morning with all 8 of my cousins and being dared to jump into the pool which wasn't that big of a deal because it wasn't that cold outside.
2. Make the track team and do at least 2 events and beat my biggest competitor in mountain biking, Megan, on Varsity this year.
3. I am looking forward to Freshman year of high school ending and getting my driver's license.

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