Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic Pictures

1) I followed the rule of thirds and got Angel in the corner so I could get the rest of the class but blur them.
2) The subject is Angel and what he's looking at, because everything else is blurred out around him.
3) Yes because he s the only thing that is not blurred out and is taking up half of the frame.
4) I think that i could have waited till everyone was sitting down and not moving around.

1) I followed the rule framing by using the chalk boards to frame the class.
2) The subject is the students as a whole.
3) Yes, because the frame is filled with the students and nothing else is distracting in the image.
4) I think I could have shot the picture from a different angle to get a better view of everyone. 
1) I used the rule of framing because I used the girl in the orange dress to frame the bottom and the right side and the girl in front of her to frame the left side.
2) the subject is not very clear in this picture,
3) No, because both of the possible subjects are used to frame in the picture.
4) I would have shot from the front to get the girls fence in the picture.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexis,
    I like how you took your photos at an angle instead of straight on. Something you could improve on in the future is finding more interesting subject to take pictures of. Otherwise great work!

    Ryan Noser
