Friday, October 16, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1) What  caught my eye was that all of his photos are black and white but still seem to show color in my mind.
2)I see The ground low beneath. and all the objects on the ground. I feel like I'm on top of the world.
I smell The ocean water of the harbor. And smell all the seat and hard work that this town has put in to this town and making it successful.
I hear the honk of the boats and the wind whipping my hair.It brings joy and excitement to my heart to hear those sounds. The harbor is one of the most beautiful places.
I taste the salt of the ocean water. And it brings the memories of the beach back to mind. which reminds me of my family.
I feel the wind against my skin. And it tickles the hair on my arms as it slides up my arms to my neck.   I laugh from the feelings and it brings me pure happiness.
3) I would like to create a mural because i could easily display all of the photos together.

1) What caught my eye in this picture was that the flags are blurry but that it makes the picture have more meaning.
2) I see all the kids that have been to this carnival in the past and all the parents that went broke here.
I smell all the popcorn and cotton candy that has been cooked and bought at this carnival.
I hear all the kids begging there parents to go on the Farris wheel with them and all the young couples on their first date laughing nervously at each others jokes.
I taste the sweet air thats filled with the taste of candy and little kids happiness and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.
I feel the hands of little kids dragging me along to go on the rides with them and on their faces is a great big smile which make me feel so happy and decide to go along with them after all.
I laugh as the joy floods from my body as we board the Ferris wheel.
3)I would like to create a mural because i could easily display all of the photos together.

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