Friday, December 11, 2015

Fashion Photography

1) Her eyes were made bigger, lips were made bigger/fuller, neck was stretched out , and her shoulders were pulled down.
2) Her freckles were removed, gave her lighter skin, her legs were stretched out, made her but bigger, and took off the under part of her arm.
3) She was made skinnier, they took off all of her fat, made her but smaller and more round and put her chest out.
4) No I don't believe that is acceptable to change someones body like this because this is putting a unreachable look of "beauty" in girls minds and also she was already really pretty with just the makeup and hair extensions, they didn't have to go in and change her body like that.
5) No, I don't think you should photoshop how these people did but I think that makeup and stuff that we can actually do to our body is enough, and I still don't think we should over load on that because it isn't pretty to look fake like makeup makes us look.
6) Changes like rooming unwanted spots on someone or taking a red eye off from flash is okay but changing someones whole body should not be done.
7) Fashion photography is mostly about taking an okay picture than photoshopping the picture to make it look "perfect" and Im not saying all fashion photographers do it but most do. Photojournalism isn't all about taking pictures of people and photoshopping it, it's about manipulating the picture using the camera itself.
8) Fashion photography gives a fake side to reality because the picture are not reality they are fake. Photojournalism gives a great reality to reality and expresses the truth of photography.
9) So we don't make the mistake of abusing photoshop .
10) Because guy are not looked down upon about their looks as mush as girls are.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Magazines Part 2

Early Magazine covers-The front page was really basic and only had the title, table of contents, and a picture.
The Poster cover- The covers were very appealing to the eye and professionally done and like they should be put somewhere to be remembered.
Pictures married to type- These covers were very flashy and caught peoples eye by having very poppy colors and pictures.
In the Forest of woods- This is the most common cover that is see these days, they have a lot of words on the cover and the main subjects is very daring on these covers.

My favorite Cover

"Runner's World's October 2015 issue featured our first major redesign in six years--and a new cover approach to go with it. We redesigned the magazine to be, among other things, more visual, more fun, and more reflective of what's happening in the sport and in the running community, which has been growing at a hectic pace as more people of all types have taken up the sport. That means fresh typefaces, bolder tones, and a series of new sections to evoke a more contemporary, useful, and delightful experience for our readers.
The visual changes begin on the cover, with a new, updated logo--which we like to think of as having longer, slimmer legs. The majority of our cover lines are presented in the same sans-serif typeface (Titling Gothic) that our new logo is built upon, for a clean and streamlined look. But to add some splash and a little contrast, we styled the large numbers in a handsome stenciled serif (Danmark). Playing off the deep red wall in the cover photo, we chose a vibrant, orange-red neon ink to give our new logo an extra kick.
Equally important, our cover subject isn't an elite athlete or a model-runner. She's a regular runner who has a job and a kid and a passion for staying fit and healthy, as well as a distinctive sense of running style--a "Street Style," one of the new sections we unveil in the issue. The cover photo was shot as a profile in an urban environment, both departures for us. We chose it because it felt simultaneously authentic and forward-looking, two qualities deeply embedded in Runner's World's DNA."
- See more at:

I like this picture because of the topic and how all of the words on the side of the picture attracts my eyes. I also like how the context of the picture relates to the topic very well. What I don't like about this picture is that the girls shoes and sports bra blend in with the wall behind her, I think that they should have made her wear a blue sports bra with black or blue shoes instead of the pink color that she's wearing in the picture. Also I don't know if she is wearing the tall socks for advertising but I would not wear the tall socks and  Have the words be a contrasting color from the background because it would make the colors pop more.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Best Magazine Covers 2015

1) Formal
2) Informal
3) Informal
4) Informal
5) Informal
6) Informal
7) Informal
8) Informal
9) Informal
10) Informal
11) Informal
12) Formal
13) Formal
14) Formal
15) Informal
16) Formal
17) Informal
18) Informal

Magazine Tips

1) Efficient, fast, easy to scan.
2) If the cover pops out from its background, don't weaken it by fussing with it.
3)Should be worth spending money and time on.
4) If it is invisible like wallpaper, decide what element is worth becoming dominant.
5) Emotionally Irresistible

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

American Soldier

1) I believe that the most powerful picture in the presentation is the photo of all the soldiers on the road when the sun is setting because it shows just how many soldiers were there and how they were sticking together and helping each other.
 2) Set 1- at home Image #1-#3
     Set 2- basic training Image #4-#7
     Set 3- in Iraq Image #8-#27
In image #28 he's back home in Denver
 3) Basic Training because this set of images shows how they tried to break him down and make him cower, but he didn't and kept his head held high.
4)The images work together to tell a story by the pictures having a lot of meaning in them and showing the stages of being in the army
5) The verbs are usually written in past tense.
6) The caption enhance the photos because it describes what's going on in the photo, and where he is in the photo. You may be thinking one thing, but then the captions tell you what is going to happen.
7) Ian is 17 years old when he enlist himself in the army. When he got into the army he had to go to training camp and there they tried to break him but he kept pushing through and ended up going  off to war in Iraq and when he comes back he proposes to his girlfriend in front of everyone.

Prompt Shoot


