Tuesday, December 1, 2015

American Soldier

1) I believe that the most powerful picture in the presentation is the photo of all the soldiers on the road when the sun is setting because it shows just how many soldiers were there and how they were sticking together and helping each other.
 2) Set 1- at home Image #1-#3
     Set 2- basic training Image #4-#7
     Set 3- in Iraq Image #8-#27
In image #28 he's back home in Denver
 3) Basic Training because this set of images shows how they tried to break him down and make him cower, but he didn't and kept his head held high.
4)The images work together to tell a story by the pictures having a lot of meaning in them and showing the stages of being in the army
5) The verbs are usually written in past tense.
6) The caption enhance the photos because it describes what's going on in the photo, and where he is in the photo. You may be thinking one thing, but then the captions tell you what is going to happen.
7) Ian is 17 years old when he enlist himself in the army. When he got into the army he had to go to training camp and there they tried to break him but he kept pushing through and ended up going  off to war in Iraq and when he comes back he proposes to his girlfriend in front of everyone.

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