Friday, December 11, 2015

Fashion Photography

1) Her eyes were made bigger, lips were made bigger/fuller, neck was stretched out , and her shoulders were pulled down.
2) Her freckles were removed, gave her lighter skin, her legs were stretched out, made her but bigger, and took off the under part of her arm.
3) She was made skinnier, they took off all of her fat, made her but smaller and more round and put her chest out.
4) No I don't believe that is acceptable to change someones body like this because this is putting a unreachable look of "beauty" in girls minds and also she was already really pretty with just the makeup and hair extensions, they didn't have to go in and change her body like that.
5) No, I don't think you should photoshop how these people did but I think that makeup and stuff that we can actually do to our body is enough, and I still don't think we should over load on that because it isn't pretty to look fake like makeup makes us look.
6) Changes like rooming unwanted spots on someone or taking a red eye off from flash is okay but changing someones whole body should not be done.
7) Fashion photography is mostly about taking an okay picture than photoshopping the picture to make it look "perfect" and Im not saying all fashion photographers do it but most do. Photojournalism isn't all about taking pictures of people and photoshopping it, it's about manipulating the picture using the camera itself.
8) Fashion photography gives a fake side to reality because the picture are not reality they are fake. Photojournalism gives a great reality to reality and expresses the truth of photography.
9) So we don't make the mistake of abusing photoshop .
10) Because guy are not looked down upon about their looks as mush as girls are.

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