Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Unusual and Interesting Photos


1. His work is a little weird and confusing and i don't really think it makes any rules of photography.
2. I think he took the same photo and over lapped them # times and rotated the picture just a little bit.
3.The Empire State Building. New York City, New York. The Space Needle. San Francisco, California.


1. I picked this photo because i like the way the emotion is shown in this picture.
2. Domestic News
3. The picture got 1st in the DON.
4. The photographer got my attention because he got the crying woman in the photo but The guy is really the subject of this photo and he caught my attention the most.
5. The subject was probably 95% weighed in the choosing of the winner.
6. He definitely had to be strong and get in the right position to get these pictures.

1. I picked this photo because it tells a whole story in just a photo.
2. General News
3. 2nd in the GNN
4. This photo attracted me because go the way she's holding the flag and walking away.
5. The subject was weighed in probably like 50% because the attention should be on the car and the flag mostly because she is affected by it.
6. He had to wait for just the right moment and get everything perfect.

1. I picked this photo because I love nature pictures and the bright green grass caught my eyes.
2. Environment
3. AE2
4. This photo attracted me because the clouds are beautiful colors and the grass is such a vibrant green color.
5. I don't really think that there is a subject in this picture and everything weighed in equally to make this picture so beautiful.
6. He definitely had to get at a high angel and choose a certain part to focus on.


 #7 The Runaway by Norman Rockwell
#8 Campbell's soup cans by Andy Warhol
#12 The Three Sphinx of Bikini by salvador Dali



This looks like the photo above because there is the coach girl and the others looking at her, and also they're doing the tree position too. 

4. Yes he saw the pattern between he tree and what I think is the back of someones head.

5. I would be inspired by juxtaposition paintings, they are so interesting and unique. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Favorite Academic/ Community Picture

1. I like how the photographer captured the girls emotions and caught her in the action.
2. The rules that are present are, rule of thirds, and framing.

1. Probably in the court yard or in the Garden.
2. I would like to take pictures in Mrs. Dobernel's room.
3. i will take pictures of the students in action and just wait for the right moment.

Academic Shoot Review

"The Best Story"

I feel like this one tells a great story because they took a picture right down the middle and showed the students giving food to the homeless people and shows how happy both sides of the line are to be a part of this.

"Action or Emotion"
This one definitely captures the emotion of excitement and ah that the girls are feeling at this xact moment.

"Most Interesting stuff"
This picture shows that this class is so interested in what is happening.

Digital Minipulation

A. The main points of this story are that some countries use April 1st as a day to cheat photos and change them to have a complete different meaning to them. Most of the people that have done this are from the middle East and have used pictures that offended a lot of people and countries. One of the photos that were manipulated was one of three missiles going off and one failing to launch, but the changed to show all four going off and the launch being a complete success.

B. I think this type of photoshop is unethical because it makes the pictures tell lies and now we can't trust what photos we see are real and which ones aren't.

A. I think this photo is unethical because it shows that the man is caring his child and looking for help and the guard tells him to leave that he cant help.

B. I consider this the least unethical because i assume that if you care that much about Oprah you know that thats not her actual body and they might just find it funny that they put her head on that body.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers PART 2

John Gutmann

John Gutmann was born in Wroclaw, German Empire in 1905. His jobs as a young adult were painting and photographing. John's Nationality is jewish and he's from german and was ran out during the genocide. He died in San Francisco on June 12, 1998. His most famous museum is the san Francisco  of Modern art.

 Birth- 1905 Wroclaw, German Empire
Death- June 12, 1998 San Francisco, United States
Jobs- Painter and Photographer
Nationality- German/ Jewish
Most Famous Museum- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Friday, September 18, 2015

Post Shoot Reflection

1. I found trouble trying to take a picture where people weren't walking through and finding things that I actually wanted to take pictures of.
2. I found myself thinking about the way i hold the camera and how close of far away i want the picture to be.
3. I would have change the angle of some of the picture i tok and the way i was holding the camera.
4. I would have kept Terah in the picture because Terah makes the picture so happy.
5. I ended up achieving rule of thirds, simplicity, and framing.
6. Yes, because I think the second time for everything is better and it was fun finding those prompts and having a friend to help me with them.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

9/11 Skill Photos

Simplicity- This picture is an example of simplicity because everything is not focused on or different from everything else except for the boy which is the main subject of the picture.

The Rule of Thirds- This is an example of the rule of thirds because the men and the flag are in the lower half of the picture where the tic-tac-toe lines meet.

Lines- this is an example of lines because the lines on the building makes the background simple but interesting and makes the viewer focus on the man in the picture.

Balance- this is an example of balance because the men and the sides of the building make the picture even in the viewers eyes and makes the viewer loo at the whole picture.

Framing- This is an example of framing because the frame makes the firefighter really stand out more then he would if the frame wasn't there.

Avoiding Mergers-this picture is an example of avoiding mergers because all of the buildings are in the picture and are not being cut off.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Camera

1. The hole acts like a lens and focuses the light onto the wall in the dark room.
2. Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens perfected the process of making high quality glass lens.
3. Glass lens, a dark box, and film.
4. They  both take photographs and turn out as a picture.
5. The pictures are stored in reusable computer memory devices.

6. When you have the camera in Program you get to control the flash and focusing unlike the auto mode.
7. It attempts to blur out the background and only focus on the closes object, normally a person.
8.It freezes the motion in the picture using the highest shutter speed possible.

9. It gives a faster response time, more control over focus, encourages better composition.

10. It gives no flash because some picture do not require flash and you might not wan it.
11. auto flash which means that if the camera thinks there needs to be more light then the flash will go off.

12. If there is not enough light the picture will be washed out.
13. The picture will turn out dark and not be very visible.

14. A "stop" is a relative measurement of light.
15. Only 1 stop brighter.
16. 2 stops brighter.

17. longer shutter speed gives more light into the picture.
18. Shorter shutter speed doesn't allow as much light.
19. It controls the size of the opening which the light travels through.
20. The larger opening the more light can get in.


Great Black and White Photographers

Margaret Bourke-White

John Gutmann

Roy Decarava

My first photos!

I like this photo because the colors are very vibrant and make the picture really pop and catch peoples attention when they see it. When I'm standing in the courtyard before school starts these flowers always catch my eyes because of their vibrant colors and I feel like this picture captures the beauty of the flowers excellently.

I love this photo because it takes an object that no one really see the beauty in and make it look beautiful and creative. I also like the shadows of my teammates at the end of the lockers because it makes it look more realistic and in the moment sort of. Another part of this picture that I like is that the camera just focused on the first locker and not all of them and gives a fading effect to the picture.