Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Camera

1. The hole acts like a lens and focuses the light onto the wall in the dark room.
2. Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens perfected the process of making high quality glass lens.
3. Glass lens, a dark box, and film.
4. They  both take photographs and turn out as a picture.
5. The pictures are stored in reusable computer memory devices.

6. When you have the camera in Program you get to control the flash and focusing unlike the auto mode.
7. It attempts to blur out the background and only focus on the closes object, normally a person.
8.It freezes the motion in the picture using the highest shutter speed possible.

9. It gives a faster response time, more control over focus, encourages better composition.

10. It gives no flash because some picture do not require flash and you might not wan it.
11. auto flash which means that if the camera thinks there needs to be more light then the flash will go off.

12. If there is not enough light the picture will be washed out.
13. The picture will turn out dark and not be very visible.

14. A "stop" is a relative measurement of light.
15. Only 1 stop brighter.
16. 2 stops brighter.

17. longer shutter speed gives more light into the picture.
18. Shorter shutter speed doesn't allow as much light.
19. It controls the size of the opening which the light travels through.
20. The larger opening the more light can get in.

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