Thursday, September 10, 2015

9/11 Skill Photos

Simplicity- This picture is an example of simplicity because everything is not focused on or different from everything else except for the boy which is the main subject of the picture.

The Rule of Thirds- This is an example of the rule of thirds because the men and the flag are in the lower half of the picture where the tic-tac-toe lines meet.

Lines- this is an example of lines because the lines on the building makes the background simple but interesting and makes the viewer focus on the man in the picture.

Balance- this is an example of balance because the men and the sides of the building make the picture even in the viewers eyes and makes the viewer loo at the whole picture.

Framing- This is an example of framing because the frame makes the firefighter really stand out more then he would if the frame wasn't there.

Avoiding Mergers-this picture is an example of avoiding mergers because all of the buildings are in the picture and are not being cut off.

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