Thursday, September 24, 2015

Digital Minipulation

A. The main points of this story are that some countries use April 1st as a day to cheat photos and change them to have a complete different meaning to them. Most of the people that have done this are from the middle East and have used pictures that offended a lot of people and countries. One of the photos that were manipulated was one of three missiles going off and one failing to launch, but the changed to show all four going off and the launch being a complete success.

B. I think this type of photoshop is unethical because it makes the pictures tell lies and now we can't trust what photos we see are real and which ones aren't.

A. I think this photo is unethical because it shows that the man is caring his child and looking for help and the guard tells him to leave that he cant help.

B. I consider this the least unethical because i assume that if you care that much about Oprah you know that thats not her actual body and they might just find it funny that they put her head on that body.

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