Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Unusual and Interesting Photos


1. His work is a little weird and confusing and i don't really think it makes any rules of photography.
2. I think he took the same photo and over lapped them # times and rotated the picture just a little bit.
3.The Empire State Building. New York City, New York. The Space Needle. San Francisco, California.


1. I picked this photo because i like the way the emotion is shown in this picture.
2. Domestic News
3. The picture got 1st in the DON.
4. The photographer got my attention because he got the crying woman in the photo but The guy is really the subject of this photo and he caught my attention the most.
5. The subject was probably 95% weighed in the choosing of the winner.
6. He definitely had to be strong and get in the right position to get these pictures.

1. I picked this photo because it tells a whole story in just a photo.
2. General News
3. 2nd in the GNN
4. This photo attracted me because go the way she's holding the flag and walking away.
5. The subject was weighed in probably like 50% because the attention should be on the car and the flag mostly because she is affected by it.
6. He had to wait for just the right moment and get everything perfect.

1. I picked this photo because I love nature pictures and the bright green grass caught my eyes.
2. Environment
3. AE2
4. This photo attracted me because the clouds are beautiful colors and the grass is such a vibrant green color.
5. I don't really think that there is a subject in this picture and everything weighed in equally to make this picture so beautiful.
6. He definitely had to get at a high angel and choose a certain part to focus on.


 #7 The Runaway by Norman Rockwell
#8 Campbell's soup cans by Andy Warhol
#12 The Three Sphinx of Bikini by salvador Dali



This looks like the photo above because there is the coach girl and the others looking at her, and also they're doing the tree position too. 

4. Yes he saw the pattern between he tree and what I think is the back of someones head.

5. I would be inspired by juxtaposition paintings, they are so interesting and unique. 

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