Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student of the Month story

who-Callie Richards
what-student of the month
when- March 31st, 2016
where- Bowie high school
why- Lonestar dispatch newpaper
How- Asked questions in person

I, Alexis Bobbitt, interviewed Callie Richards for being the student of the month on March 31st, 2016 at Bowie high school for the Lonestar Dispatch Newspaper in person.

"I think I was chosen because I showed respectful skills and very strong work ethics," said Callie Richards.

Richards feels very honored to be awarded the student of the month but she feels like some other people deserve it more then her.

"Peyton Bellman because she's very kind and helpful to other students." said Richards.

Richards makes very good grades in all of her classes and believes that this can be part of why she got to be the student of the month.

"I make all A's with the exception of 1 B," explains Richards.

Richards personally doesn't like school but thinks that school should be required to get a good education.

"As a teen I don't like school but  everyone should have the opportunity to go to school," confesses Richards.

Studying is a must for Richards before a big test or presentation in any of her classes.

"Yes, I spend at least and hour studying before my test or presentations," Explains Richards.

Richards does not do much outside of school but she does work very hard on her homework, which takes up most of her free time.

"No, but homework does take up a lot of my free time outside of school," Richards explains to the newspaper.

Richards favorite class that she is taking this year is geography.

"Geography, because I like learning about the world," says Richards.

Piano and art are Richards fine arts classes that she likes to take.

"Piano and art because I have a very big imagination."

Richards, because of her amazing grades has a very level GPA.

"My GPA is 4.2," gladly admits Richards.

Richards plans to go to either UT or A&M for college to get her bachelor degree and hopefully become a nurse or a doctor.

"I am applying to UT and A&M, I would like to become a doctor or a nurse," exclaims Richards.

Inverted Pyramid

My First Interview

Callie Richards- Student of the month 
1- yes I'm very happy to be student of the month.
2- I think I was chosen because I showed respectful skills and very strong wok ethics.
3- No, because I think that some others deserve  it more then me.
4- Peyton Bellman because she's very kind and helpful to other students.
5- I make all A's with the exception of 1 B.
6- As a teen don't like school but everyone should have the opportunity to go to school.
7- No, I don't anyone does.
8- Yes, I spend at least an hour studying before test.
9- No, but homework does take up a lo of my free time outside of school.
10- no
11- no
12- no 
13- Geography, because I like learning about the world.
14- Piano and art because i ahem a very big imagination
15- My GPA is 4.2
16- I am applying to UT and A&M
17- I would like to become a doctor or a nurse
18- Work on the dress code and structure of the building.
19- overall most of the students are good.
20- No i was not expecting this at all.

Student of the month Interview

- Are you happy to be student of the month?
- Why do you think that you were picked to be student of the month?
- Do you believe that you deserve to be student of the month?
- who would you have nominated to be student of the month?
- What type of grades do you make?
- How important is school to you?
- Do you like coming to school everyday?
- Do you spend a lot of time preparing for test or presentations?
- do you spend most of your time out of school doing extracurriculars or stuff involving school?
- Are you in a lot of clubs or extracurriculars?
- Do you play any sports at school or outside of school?
- Are you in NJHS?
- Are you in PALS?
- What is your favorite core class? Why?
- What is your favorite elective that you do?
- What is your GPA right now?
- what colleges are you looking to apply for?
- What do you want to do when you grow up?
-What do you think that your school should work on to improve?

Learning how to interview Part 1

1) Principal,students, and teachers
2) 1- would the way classes run be changed?
    2- would the school require you to wear nothing but your uniform and not have anything different?
    3- would any rules at your school change?
    4- what would your school wear for sports?
    5- If kids wore uniforms would bullying lessen or stop?
    6- Do you think that kids would be happy to wear the uniforms?
    7- Do you think that kids would stop feeling left out if everyone wore uniforms?
    8- Would your feelings about your school change if it started to repair uniforms?
    9- Would you want to transfer schools of your school started to inform uniforms?
  10- Do you have money to pay for uniforms?
  11- do you think that having school uniforms would make other people see our school as "rich"?
  12- Do you believe that uniforms would make people happier?
  13- Do you like not having uniforms or not having uniforms, why?
  14- Do you ever feel like your left out or not in style at your school?
  15- What is your opinion on school uniforms?
  16- Do you like wearing normal clothes?
  17- Do people at your school get seen as popular because of how they dress?
  18- Do you dress the same at school as you do at home?
  19- do you want things at your school to change? why?
  20- why do you think that some schools require uniforms?

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

1)   Travis Haughton’s 2006 Portfolio
1a) Travis Haughton
1b) There really isn’t a focus he took pictures of everything.
1c) Some of his pictures weren’t very good quality, he used too much Photoshop on some pictures, and he also didn’t hit a point with some of his pictures.
1d) His sport pictures were taken at a great angle and the gymnastics picture that he took he had lots of girl doing different things in the frame.
1e) I didn’t like most of his photo because he didn’t use a lot of angles or different strategies but I did like some of the color in his pictures.

2)   Melissa Golden’s 2006 Portfolio
1a) Melissa Golden
1b) Kids
1c) Most pictures were taken too close to the subject, some photos were out of focus, the action shots were taken as the subject was leaving the frame.
1d) The dirt poof of one of the softball pictures and  the lines she used in thepicture of the tight roper.
1e) I didn’t like some of her pictures because they were really close and you couldn’t see some of the things in the picture fully, but there was one picture that I really liked and it was of an old man with a breathing tube and he was looking off into the distance and he looked so sad and the lighting on his face was perfect.

3)   Nick Adams’ 2006 Portfolio
1a) Nick Adams
1b) Sports and Activities
1c) Pictures were taken to close, subject of kids with disadvantages is too overused, pictures don’t have any meaning without the caption.
1d) the photographer took a lot of black and white pictures that the judges like but didn’t do good as singles.
1e) I like some of his pictures but his pictures cut off the subject sometimes but I liked the colors of some of them.

4)   Winning Portfolio Dustin Snipes
2a) He got in the mind set and place of one of the players in his sport pictures.
2b) His strengths in this portfolio were he new how to take action shots and knew how to get in the place of one of the people doing the sport.

5)   Recap Picking the Winner
They choose the winner by the portfolio overall and how the stories were as a whole instead of picking individual photos.

Part Two- Individual Images
1)    I agree with the first Action picture because there’s not much to it and the whole picture is blurry but the judges have very different opinions on it but I agree with the first judge that there’s nothing really special about it.

2)    I disagree with the judges on the picture of all of the runners because they said that the frame was too big but I think it would have looked weird if he cut any of the girls out of the frame.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Architecture Preview

Atomium, Belgium-
1) Andre Waterkeyn
3)Atomium, Belgium
4) You can visit it
5) I did not find how much it cost to be built but i did find that it cost $100,000 dollars to clean it...
6) Their basic objective was to give the 1958 Exhibition and the city of Brussels a grandiose and original structure which would be the symbol of the new technical disciplines that will shape the future.
7) I picked this building because I saw that it was in Belgium and Ive always loved everything in belgium. Also I've heard of this attraction and really want to go and visit it.

Eden Project, United Kingdom-
1) Nicholas Grimshaw
2) 2000
3) Cornwall, England
4) You can visit
5) 140 millions pounds
6) To make an attraction that you could feel like your in the actual forest with the animals and everything
7) i picked because it looks like a inch of bubbles and i love bubbles. And I also love nature and this attraction is sort of a nature simulator.

Habitat 67, Canada
1)Moshe Safdie
2) 1967
3) Canada
4) you can visit it
5) it was built for $10 million
6) was an attempt to balance cold geometry with living, breathing nature.
7) the buildings look really col together and I was interested in how this was built without breaking and how this person came up with the idea to build this.

Turning Torso, Sweden
1) Santiago Calatrava
2) Febuary 14, 2001
3) Sweden 
4) yes 
5) Doesn't say
6) Someone asked Calatrava to build it
7) I was curious of how exactly they "twisted" the building. I also like Sweden and find a lot of the stuff in Europe is very interesting.

Kunsthaus Graz, Austria
1) Sir Peter Cook and Collin Fournier 
2) April 2009
3) Austria 
4) You can visit
5) Doesn't say how much it cost
6) It is a museum 
7) I was sort of weirded out by the shape of the museum it reminds of a hedge hog.

Action Photoshoot

Creative Blur


Across the Frame

Run at the Camera

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Sensory Overload

1) I agree with this statement, this surprisingly makes me feel good about y photography because I don't think that I have took any elements in my pictures.
2) When I was scrolling through the pictures I actually couldn't look at the pictures for too long because all the color hurt my eyes but i like how colorful the shops are just tone it down a little bit.
3) Being s child of someone that works at a place like that would probably mean a lot of work and help because those stores have a lot of customers.
4) my favorite photo would have to be the one of the shop with all the fancy plates mostly because its one of the pictures that isn't overloaded with color.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Action photography preveiw

1. Because it shows that the coach is about to get hit with the water but the camera was so fast that it took the picture before the coach even reacted.
2. probably 1/2500
3. yes, because it shows that the players were happy to have won the game and it's a football tradition to dump the water or gatorade on the coach if you win the game.
4. yes.
5. the techniques that are present in this picture are, the timing of the photo and he probably took many pictures  to get the perfect picture.