Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student of the month Interview

- Are you happy to be student of the month?
- Why do you think that you were picked to be student of the month?
- Do you believe that you deserve to be student of the month?
- who would you have nominated to be student of the month?
- What type of grades do you make?
- How important is school to you?
- Do you like coming to school everyday?
- Do you spend a lot of time preparing for test or presentations?
- do you spend most of your time out of school doing extracurriculars or stuff involving school?
- Are you in a lot of clubs or extracurriculars?
- Do you play any sports at school or outside of school?
- Are you in NJHS?
- Are you in PALS?
- What is your favorite core class? Why?
- What is your favorite elective that you do?
- What is your GPA right now?
- what colleges are you looking to apply for?
- What do you want to do when you grow up?
-What do you think that your school should work on to improve?

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