Friday, March 11, 2016

Architecture Preview

Atomium, Belgium-
1) Andre Waterkeyn
3)Atomium, Belgium
4) You can visit it
5) I did not find how much it cost to be built but i did find that it cost $100,000 dollars to clean it...
6) Their basic objective was to give the 1958 Exhibition and the city of Brussels a grandiose and original structure which would be the symbol of the new technical disciplines that will shape the future.
7) I picked this building because I saw that it was in Belgium and Ive always loved everything in belgium. Also I've heard of this attraction and really want to go and visit it.

Eden Project, United Kingdom-
1) Nicholas Grimshaw
2) 2000
3) Cornwall, England
4) You can visit
5) 140 millions pounds
6) To make an attraction that you could feel like your in the actual forest with the animals and everything
7) i picked because it looks like a inch of bubbles and i love bubbles. And I also love nature and this attraction is sort of a nature simulator.

Habitat 67, Canada
1)Moshe Safdie
2) 1967
3) Canada
4) you can visit it
5) it was built for $10 million
6) was an attempt to balance cold geometry with living, breathing nature.
7) the buildings look really col together and I was interested in how this was built without breaking and how this person came up with the idea to build this.

Turning Torso, Sweden
1) Santiago Calatrava
2) Febuary 14, 2001
3) Sweden 
4) yes 
5) Doesn't say
6) Someone asked Calatrava to build it
7) I was curious of how exactly they "twisted" the building. I also like Sweden and find a lot of the stuff in Europe is very interesting.

Kunsthaus Graz, Austria
1) Sir Peter Cook and Collin Fournier 
2) April 2009
3) Austria 
4) You can visit
5) Doesn't say how much it cost
6) It is a museum 
7) I was sort of weirded out by the shape of the museum it reminds of a hedge hog.

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