Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student of the Month story

who-Callie Richards
what-student of the month
when- March 31st, 2016
where- Bowie high school
why- Lonestar dispatch newpaper
How- Asked questions in person

I, Alexis Bobbitt, interviewed Callie Richards for being the student of the month on March 31st, 2016 at Bowie high school for the Lonestar Dispatch Newspaper in person.

"I think I was chosen because I showed respectful skills and very strong work ethics," said Callie Richards.

Richards feels very honored to be awarded the student of the month but she feels like some other people deserve it more then her.

"Peyton Bellman because she's very kind and helpful to other students." said Richards.

Richards makes very good grades in all of her classes and believes that this can be part of why she got to be the student of the month.

"I make all A's with the exception of 1 B," explains Richards.

Richards personally doesn't like school but thinks that school should be required to get a good education.

"As a teen I don't like school but  everyone should have the opportunity to go to school," confesses Richards.

Studying is a must for Richards before a big test or presentation in any of her classes.

"Yes, I spend at least and hour studying before my test or presentations," Explains Richards.

Richards does not do much outside of school but she does work very hard on her homework, which takes up most of her free time.

"No, but homework does take up a lot of my free time outside of school," Richards explains to the newspaper.

Richards favorite class that she is taking this year is geography.

"Geography, because I like learning about the world," says Richards.

Piano and art are Richards fine arts classes that she likes to take.

"Piano and art because I have a very big imagination."

Richards, because of her amazing grades has a very level GPA.

"My GPA is 4.2," gladly admits Richards.

Richards plans to go to either UT or A&M for college to get her bachelor degree and hopefully become a nurse or a doctor.

"I am applying to UT and A&M, I would like to become a doctor or a nurse," exclaims Richards.

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