Thursday, March 31, 2016

My First Interview

Callie Richards- Student of the month 
1- yes I'm very happy to be student of the month.
2- I think I was chosen because I showed respectful skills and very strong wok ethics.
3- No, because I think that some others deserve  it more then me.
4- Peyton Bellman because she's very kind and helpful to other students.
5- I make all A's with the exception of 1 B.
6- As a teen don't like school but everyone should have the opportunity to go to school.
7- No, I don't anyone does.
8- Yes, I spend at least an hour studying before test.
9- No, but homework does take up a lo of my free time outside of school.
10- no
11- no
12- no 
13- Geography, because I like learning about the world.
14- Piano and art because i ahem a very big imagination
15- My GPA is 4.2
16- I am applying to UT and A&M
17- I would like to become a doctor or a nurse
18- Work on the dress code and structure of the building.
19- overall most of the students are good.
20- No i was not expecting this at all.

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