Thursday, March 31, 2016

Learning how to interview Part 1

1) Principal,students, and teachers
2) 1- would the way classes run be changed?
    2- would the school require you to wear nothing but your uniform and not have anything different?
    3- would any rules at your school change?
    4- what would your school wear for sports?
    5- If kids wore uniforms would bullying lessen or stop?
    6- Do you think that kids would be happy to wear the uniforms?
    7- Do you think that kids would stop feeling left out if everyone wore uniforms?
    8- Would your feelings about your school change if it started to repair uniforms?
    9- Would you want to transfer schools of your school started to inform uniforms?
  10- Do you have money to pay for uniforms?
  11- do you think that having school uniforms would make other people see our school as "rich"?
  12- Do you believe that uniforms would make people happier?
  13- Do you like not having uniforms or not having uniforms, why?
  14- Do you ever feel like your left out or not in style at your school?
  15- What is your opinion on school uniforms?
  16- Do you like wearing normal clothes?
  17- Do people at your school get seen as popular because of how they dress?
  18- Do you dress the same at school as you do at home?
  19- do you want things at your school to change? why?
  20- why do you think that some schools require uniforms?

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