Friday, December 11, 2015

Fashion Photography

1) Her eyes were made bigger, lips were made bigger/fuller, neck was stretched out , and her shoulders were pulled down.
2) Her freckles were removed, gave her lighter skin, her legs were stretched out, made her but bigger, and took off the under part of her arm.
3) She was made skinnier, they took off all of her fat, made her but smaller and more round and put her chest out.
4) No I don't believe that is acceptable to change someones body like this because this is putting a unreachable look of "beauty" in girls minds and also she was already really pretty with just the makeup and hair extensions, they didn't have to go in and change her body like that.
5) No, I don't think you should photoshop how these people did but I think that makeup and stuff that we can actually do to our body is enough, and I still don't think we should over load on that because it isn't pretty to look fake like makeup makes us look.
6) Changes like rooming unwanted spots on someone or taking a red eye off from flash is okay but changing someones whole body should not be done.
7) Fashion photography is mostly about taking an okay picture than photoshopping the picture to make it look "perfect" and Im not saying all fashion photographers do it but most do. Photojournalism isn't all about taking pictures of people and photoshopping it, it's about manipulating the picture using the camera itself.
8) Fashion photography gives a fake side to reality because the picture are not reality they are fake. Photojournalism gives a great reality to reality and expresses the truth of photography.
9) So we don't make the mistake of abusing photoshop .
10) Because guy are not looked down upon about their looks as mush as girls are.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Magazines Part 2

Early Magazine covers-The front page was really basic and only had the title, table of contents, and a picture.
The Poster cover- The covers were very appealing to the eye and professionally done and like they should be put somewhere to be remembered.
Pictures married to type- These covers were very flashy and caught peoples eye by having very poppy colors and pictures.
In the Forest of woods- This is the most common cover that is see these days, they have a lot of words on the cover and the main subjects is very daring on these covers.

My favorite Cover

"Runner's World's October 2015 issue featured our first major redesign in six years--and a new cover approach to go with it. We redesigned the magazine to be, among other things, more visual, more fun, and more reflective of what's happening in the sport and in the running community, which has been growing at a hectic pace as more people of all types have taken up the sport. That means fresh typefaces, bolder tones, and a series of new sections to evoke a more contemporary, useful, and delightful experience for our readers.
The visual changes begin on the cover, with a new, updated logo--which we like to think of as having longer, slimmer legs. The majority of our cover lines are presented in the same sans-serif typeface (Titling Gothic) that our new logo is built upon, for a clean and streamlined look. But to add some splash and a little contrast, we styled the large numbers in a handsome stenciled serif (Danmark). Playing off the deep red wall in the cover photo, we chose a vibrant, orange-red neon ink to give our new logo an extra kick.
Equally important, our cover subject isn't an elite athlete or a model-runner. She's a regular runner who has a job and a kid and a passion for staying fit and healthy, as well as a distinctive sense of running style--a "Street Style," one of the new sections we unveil in the issue. The cover photo was shot as a profile in an urban environment, both departures for us. We chose it because it felt simultaneously authentic and forward-looking, two qualities deeply embedded in Runner's World's DNA."
- See more at:

I like this picture because of the topic and how all of the words on the side of the picture attracts my eyes. I also like how the context of the picture relates to the topic very well. What I don't like about this picture is that the girls shoes and sports bra blend in with the wall behind her, I think that they should have made her wear a blue sports bra with black or blue shoes instead of the pink color that she's wearing in the picture. Also I don't know if she is wearing the tall socks for advertising but I would not wear the tall socks and  Have the words be a contrasting color from the background because it would make the colors pop more.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Best Magazine Covers 2015

1) Formal
2) Informal
3) Informal
4) Informal
5) Informal
6) Informal
7) Informal
8) Informal
9) Informal
10) Informal
11) Informal
12) Formal
13) Formal
14) Formal
15) Informal
16) Formal
17) Informal
18) Informal

Magazine Tips

1) Efficient, fast, easy to scan.
2) If the cover pops out from its background, don't weaken it by fussing with it.
3)Should be worth spending money and time on.
4) If it is invisible like wallpaper, decide what element is worth becoming dominant.
5) Emotionally Irresistible

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

American Soldier

1) I believe that the most powerful picture in the presentation is the photo of all the soldiers on the road when the sun is setting because it shows just how many soldiers were there and how they were sticking together and helping each other.
 2) Set 1- at home Image #1-#3
     Set 2- basic training Image #4-#7
     Set 3- in Iraq Image #8-#27
In image #28 he's back home in Denver
 3) Basic Training because this set of images shows how they tried to break him down and make him cower, but he didn't and kept his head held high.
4)The images work together to tell a story by the pictures having a lot of meaning in them and showing the stages of being in the army
5) The verbs are usually written in past tense.
6) The caption enhance the photos because it describes what's going on in the photo, and where he is in the photo. You may be thinking one thing, but then the captions tell you what is going to happen.
7) Ian is 17 years old when he enlist himself in the army. When he got into the army he had to go to training camp and there they tried to break him but he kept pushing through and ended up going  off to war in Iraq and when he comes back he proposes to his girlfriend in front of everyone.

Prompt Shoot




Monday, November 16, 2015

Rules of Photography Part 2

Rule of thirds-

Balancing Elements-

Leading Lines-

Symmetry and Patterns-

View Point-


Create Depth-



Mergers and Avoiding Them-

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Self Portrait and Portraits part 1

9. Obscure Part of your Subject

A variation on the idea of zooming in on one part of the body is to obscure parts of your portrait subject’s face or body. You can do this with clothing, objects, their hands or just by framing part of them out of the image.
Doing this means that you leave a little to the imagination of the image’s viewer but also focus their attention on parts of your subject that you want them to be focused upon.

16. Take Unfocused Shots

As photographers we have ‘sharp focus’ drummed into us as an ultimate objective to achieve in our work – but sometimes lack of focus can create shots with real emotion, mood and interest.
There are two main strategies for taking unfocused images that work:
1. Focus upon one element of the image and leave your main subject blurred. To do this use a large aperture which will create a narrow depth of field and focus upon something in front of or behind your subject.
Get Closer
The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact. Even when it is big enough to be decipherable, it usually carries little meaning. Viewers can sense when a subject is small because it was supposed to be and when it's small because the photographer was too shy to get close.
Don't be shy. If you approach people in the right way, they'll usually be happy to have their picture made. It's up to you to break the ice and get them to cooperate. Joke around with them. Tell them why you want to make the picture. Practice with people you know so that you are comfortable; people can sense when you aren't.

I like this photo because of the plainness in the background and how the horse riders are all in one place and not hanging out of the pictures.
I like her in this picture because its so simple and it shows all of her natural beauty in the white dress being compared to a dark background.

I chose this picture because I like how there is just one strip of color.

I like this photo because the way all the mail is floating around him it makes it seem that he doesn't care and is free

I like this photo because of the way they are smiling it makes it look like a general smile and the background is not too flashy or crowded.

I like this family portrait because how they are shows their personality and how they are in life.

I will shoot my friends and family, and I will take the pictures either against a plain wall or in a farm field to create depth in the picture. To make the shots successful I will take multiple shots and get the subjects into different positions and places.

Love and Loss

1) I felt happy for there love and then as I went farther through the pictures  I started getting upset for them not being able to be healthy and together anymore and then I was really angry that this happened to them and it made me start wonder why this kind of stuff happens to such amazing loving people.
2) I think what he means by that comment is that these pictures show us what we look like and what other people see us as but these pictures do not show what is going on inside us and how we feel.
3) I think I could shoot some of the photos in this album but some of these were really hard for me to look at and I wouldn't be able to pick up the camera and even attempt to take pictures in a time like that.
4) I would say,  " I truly am sorry for your loss and what you had to go through with your wife and I wish that this kind of stuff didn't happen to such kind people and I don't have any idea the type of pain that you went through but I am glad that you could capture it in these photos ands express your love for your wife, and all the pain that went through your relationship and you still pushed out strong and got through it."

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Africa and abandoned theme parks

1) I like his work because for a starter I love pictures of animals and nature and also I love how he got the animas in their actual life instead of staged. All of his pictures from this album are black and white which makes the animals stand out and look more realistic compared to other animal pictures I've seen. I really love how in the picture of the Giraffes he got the sun in the background and how it looks like the sun is shinning down upon the giraffes and praising them and how the glare from the sun is around the giraffes figures instead of blurring the out. I wonder what setting he used to get that to work. I want to take pictures like that some day.

3) This photo is my favorite because of how he focused the picture mostly on the little baby elephant in the middle of the two other elephants and how he blurred the edges of the photo to make you focus more on the center of the picture. And this photo really gives me a lot of emotion because I love elephants so much and any picture of an elephant I will love.
4) You can see framing in this picture because the little elephant is framed by the two other elephants.   And also lines because all of the elephants legs and trunks create lines along the picture.
5) Camera- Pentax 6711
     Lenses- Two fixed lenses
6) While directing a music video he fell in love with the animals so he tried to film the animals but it didn't work so he changed over to photography and used the camera to capture his feelings for the animals.
7) he hopes to show people animals in their state of being instead of in action which is what most photographer produce.
8) "I'm not interested in creating work that is simply documentary or filled with action and drama, which has been the norm in the photography of animals in the wild. What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of Being. In the state of Being before they are no longer are. Before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us. To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes." -Nick Brandt

1) Lincoln Park, Dartmouth, Massachusetts because the park has cool old stories. I like how everything is broken down and really old looking and i would like to see the park in person to t=get the full effect of the theme park.


3) - South Congress
- Cocoa Beach
- Kansas City
- Ohio six flags
- India
5) This place would be interesting to take pictures of because if what happen there with the hurricane hitting it and flooding the whole park, it would be cool to see the remains of the hurricane. Also the people in Ohio are so cool. I would like to see how different Ohio six flags is from texts six flags.
6) I would need a camera, flight ticket, money, hotel planning, and permission to get into the park.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Funny Captions

These two old women are sitting in their wheel chairs in the ocean in the middle of summer because they just couldn't help rolling down for a splash. Betty and Sally were surfers in their younger ages.

Richard just couldn't think of losing his sweet cane cart in downtown orlando so he treated it like a bike and locked it up. After getting his lunch he came out to get the cart and it wasn't there...

In 1969 a women named Gretzel walked into this maze and even after 3 weeks she still hadn't come out.. By the way she had Alzheimer's.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1) What  caught my eye was that all of his photos are black and white but still seem to show color in my mind.
2)I see The ground low beneath. and all the objects on the ground. I feel like I'm on top of the world.
I smell The ocean water of the harbor. And smell all the seat and hard work that this town has put in to this town and making it successful.
I hear the honk of the boats and the wind whipping my hair.It brings joy and excitement to my heart to hear those sounds. The harbor is one of the most beautiful places.
I taste the salt of the ocean water. And it brings the memories of the beach back to mind. which reminds me of my family.
I feel the wind against my skin. And it tickles the hair on my arms as it slides up my arms to my neck.   I laugh from the feelings and it brings me pure happiness.
3) I would like to create a mural because i could easily display all of the photos together.

1) What caught my eye in this picture was that the flags are blurry but that it makes the picture have more meaning.
2) I see all the kids that have been to this carnival in the past and all the parents that went broke here.
I smell all the popcorn and cotton candy that has been cooked and bought at this carnival.
I hear all the kids begging there parents to go on the Farris wheel with them and all the young couples on their first date laughing nervously at each others jokes.
I taste the sweet air thats filled with the taste of candy and little kids happiness and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.
I feel the hands of little kids dragging me along to go on the rides with them and on their faces is a great big smile which make me feel so happy and decide to go along with them after all.
I laugh as the joy floods from my body as we board the Ferris wheel.
3)I would like to create a mural because i could easily display all of the photos together.

Mural Project

1) Yes, we could do a bunch of different themes like sports, academics, theatre, and many others. And they could brighten up the school a lot.
2) we should do both phones and cameras because then people without phones could take pictures but also photographers that want to put effects on the pictures also could.
3) we should put a couple of the murals all around school so that it wouldn't just be one place that had the mural.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic shoot reflection and critique

1) I found it hard to take pictures of people without them laughing and not to get in the way of the teaching of the class.
2) The focus and the angle
3) I would take more pictures so i have choices instead of having to pick certain pictures.
4) I would keep how i took the pictures the same because i like the angles that i took the pictures at.
5) Rule of thirds.
6) Avoiding mergers
7) Lines and i can look up pictures of lines and go out and try to shoot some on my own.

1) I feel like on your third photo that you could get in the middle of the hall to get balance in your picture.

2) I love the 4th picture and how the light is focused in the picture.

3) I like the angle you took the picture from.

Academic Pictures

1) I followed the rule of thirds and got Angel in the corner so I could get the rest of the class but blur them.
2) The subject is Angel and what he's looking at, because everything else is blurred out around him.
3) Yes because he s the only thing that is not blurred out and is taking up half of the frame.
4) I think that i could have waited till everyone was sitting down and not moving around.

1) I followed the rule framing by using the chalk boards to frame the class.
2) The subject is the students as a whole.
3) Yes, because the frame is filled with the students and nothing else is distracting in the image.
4) I think I could have shot the picture from a different angle to get a better view of everyone. 
1) I used the rule of framing because I used the girl in the orange dress to frame the bottom and the right side and the girl in front of her to frame the left side.
2) the subject is not very clear in this picture,
3) No, because both of the possible subjects are used to frame in the picture.
4) I would have shot from the front to get the girls fence in the picture.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO- What are They?



1) The aperture is closely related to the pupil of your eye.
2) The smaller the aperture the less light thats let trough, therefore the picture is less focused on one thing and the F stop is bigger, the higher the aperture the more light thats let through and the more the picture is focused on one part of the picture and the F stop is smaller. 
3) The size of the aperture controls how in focus the whole picture is, the smaller he aperture the more non-blurry the picture is, the bigger the aperture the more sharp and focused on one thing the picture is.

Slow shutter speed

Fast shutter speed

1A) Slower
1B) Slower
1C) Faster
1D) Faster
1E) Faster
1F) Slower

2A) Slower
2B) Slower 
2C) Faster
2D) Slower
2E) Slower
2F) Faster

3) Auto where the shutter speed and aperture are both controlled by the camera, Aperture Priority where the aperture is chosen by the users and the shutter speed is automatic , Manual which is where the user controls both the shutter speed and the aperture.

ISO 200

ISO 3200

1) you will not have to deal with there being any motion blur in your picture.
2) most of the time we should use low ISO but when you want to take a moving picture you have to do a higher ISO
3) Use higher ISO when you are taking a picture of something moving or the picture is not dim.

Aperture settings: 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
Shutter Speed settings: 1 Sec, 1/60 sec, 1/4000 sec
ISO Settings: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Unusual and Interesting Photos


1. His work is a little weird and confusing and i don't really think it makes any rules of photography.
2. I think he took the same photo and over lapped them # times and rotated the picture just a little bit.
3.The Empire State Building. New York City, New York. The Space Needle. San Francisco, California.


1. I picked this photo because i like the way the emotion is shown in this picture.
2. Domestic News
3. The picture got 1st in the DON.
4. The photographer got my attention because he got the crying woman in the photo but The guy is really the subject of this photo and he caught my attention the most.
5. The subject was probably 95% weighed in the choosing of the winner.
6. He definitely had to be strong and get in the right position to get these pictures.

1. I picked this photo because it tells a whole story in just a photo.
2. General News
3. 2nd in the GNN
4. This photo attracted me because go the way she's holding the flag and walking away.
5. The subject was weighed in probably like 50% because the attention should be on the car and the flag mostly because she is affected by it.
6. He had to wait for just the right moment and get everything perfect.

1. I picked this photo because I love nature pictures and the bright green grass caught my eyes.
2. Environment
3. AE2
4. This photo attracted me because the clouds are beautiful colors and the grass is such a vibrant green color.
5. I don't really think that there is a subject in this picture and everything weighed in equally to make this picture so beautiful.
6. He definitely had to get at a high angel and choose a certain part to focus on.


 #7 The Runaway by Norman Rockwell
#8 Campbell's soup cans by Andy Warhol
#12 The Three Sphinx of Bikini by salvador Dali



This looks like the photo above because there is the coach girl and the others looking at her, and also they're doing the tree position too. 

4. Yes he saw the pattern between he tree and what I think is the back of someones head.

5. I would be inspired by juxtaposition paintings, they are so interesting and unique. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Favorite Academic/ Community Picture

1. I like how the photographer captured the girls emotions and caught her in the action.
2. The rules that are present are, rule of thirds, and framing.

1. Probably in the court yard or in the Garden.
2. I would like to take pictures in Mrs. Dobernel's room.
3. i will take pictures of the students in action and just wait for the right moment.

Academic Shoot Review

"The Best Story"

I feel like this one tells a great story because they took a picture right down the middle and showed the students giving food to the homeless people and shows how happy both sides of the line are to be a part of this.

"Action or Emotion"
This one definitely captures the emotion of excitement and ah that the girls are feeling at this xact moment.

"Most Interesting stuff"
This picture shows that this class is so interested in what is happening.